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Staff (both tellers - in person and new Personal Teller - as well as the executives) have gone out of their way to support me and the needs of my family. ION bank keeps up with the latest trends in the banking industry. More importantly they are a contributing member of our community. The amount of money and time ION donates back is simply head-and-shoulders above any banks around. Everywhere you look in our community ION has donated money to non-profits such as youth sports and organizations as well as their staff volunteering to coach or help run an event.
Whether it's drive thru or personally walking inside, they look at you as if you're bothering them. When you tell them what you need, it's done slowly and with an attitude. I don't care for the disrespect.
I must say I am very pleased with their services and customer service. On the rare occasion that I've had an issue, it has been handled quickly easily and satisfactorily. They make everything so easy. This is the same type of service that I have enjoyed with small banks and credit unions I've used previously. My only regret is that now that I'm moving out of state they do not have branches there. I highly recommend them and would again mention their excellent customer service throughout all branches and service levels!!